Monday, August 6, 2012

Deliciously charm-ing

It's no secret that I love bracelets. I'm always wearing at least one, carefully coordinated to match the rest of my outfit because I'm fastidious and OCD. This may be not-so due to my love of bracelets but rather a strange fear of wrists, but that's another story for another time.

My bedroom is full of bracelets. Literally. I have hundreds of bangles stored around candles, pill bottles (supplements; Calcium, iron, etc. I'm no Judy Garland), deodorant, etc. My jewelry holder overflows with all other wrist accessories. It would be borderline pathetic if I weren't so fabulous and stylish.

Recently, though, I discovered the charm bracelet. The English major in me wants to say that charm bracelets, through their little tokens, tell a story. The rest of me tells that part to shut the hell up with that English major malarky (the rest of me is 60 years behind, vernacular-wise).

I love charm bracelets so much that I've made a million for the Etsy store (wish I partially regret not keeping for myself). I made two with Clue and Monopoly tokens (I got to play with the drill), but those sold awhile ago and I need to get more games to make more. But we currently have...

European Travel Bracelet: 
vintage Euro. charm bracelet

Key to My Heart Bracelet:
Charm Bracelet Chain Key to My Heart Lock And Key ChHandcuff Jewelry Accessory Silver Chain Ribbon Funky

I just finished a charm bracelet for myself. It's 100% that it has my initials, anyway. They don't really make "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or I-have-an-obsessive-collection-of-old-movies charms (and if they do, let me know ASAP). The rest of it are just charms I liked: a fleur de lis, teapot, sunglasses, sewing odds and ends, a picture of Jean Dujardin...

Okay, so maybe those last two things are 100% me.

(PS, if you hear of a beautiful, intelligent, talented, wonderful young woman who died in a car wreck because she was too busy staring at the Dujar-charm on her wrtist, that was me).

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